

Our Canadian-sourced organic ground reishi mushrooms can offer immune support and improve gut health.


Bob the Dog Canadian-sourced organic ground reishi mushrooms are an awesome supplement that can be mixed right into your dog’s food.

Reishi mushrooms can offer immune support, improve gut health, protect liver and kidney functions, control blood sugar and relieve allergies.

And did you know that improved gut health can mean better smelling breath?

good news! Reishi mushrooms work great for humans too, on the very same things – so feel free to share a jar! (My Ma puts some in her coffee every day…)


And if you’re looking for something a little extra to make things smell clean and fresh, check out our all natural shampoo bars!

Mushrooms for Pets?  You bet!

According to Dogs Naturally, reishi mushrooms are a pawsome supplement to work into your pet’s diet.

While it’s best to start slow to avoid any digestive upset, the long term benefits are many.  Improved gut health and a stronger immune system are just a couple of things you can expect when using Bob the Dog Mutt-Schrooms, which are Canadian-sourced and organic!